Fond Memories! 2001 AWRC/RCA Hunt Test at Turnagain Pass: Richard O'Leary and his Chesapeake, Chipper (Junior HT) | Derrick Wilkerson and his Lab, Anna (Junior HT) | Tom Simpson handles Richard Reid's Chesapeake, Jake (Junior HT) | Todd Adams with his Chesapeake, Ginger (Junior HT) | Candy Herda-Scott with her Chesapeake, Tishna (Junior HT) | Paula Elmes and her Chesapeake, Digger, wait in the blind for their turn while Tom Simpson leaves the line with a client dog (Senior HT) | 2002 Field Trial at Pt. MacKenzie: Corrie Elmes and Boyd Woodward with Corrie's Lab, Max. This was Corrie's first time handling Max in a Derby and they won! Max made the Derby list later in the summer. | Anyone have anymore photos from this trial or others? Please send them to Paula for inclusion on this page. Thanks! | |