• Calendar of Events

• AKC Field Trials

• AKC Hunt Tests

• FRC News

• Training Classes

• Club Contacts

The Fairbanks Retriever Club is the oldest established retriever club in Alaska. Originally known as the Alaska Field Trial Association, it has been active in the Interior of the state since the early 1950s. In 1960 it was formed under its current name of Fairbanks Retriever Club. Through the years and despite changes in members and leadership, the club remains dedicated to all the retriever breeds and helping their owners improve their knowledge and skills in training, testing, trialing and hunting their dogs.

During the course of the year, we hold training classes, outdoor field sessions, picnic test/trial and AKC hunt tests and field trials. We welcome all retriever owners, from the beginner puppy owner all the way to the seasoned trainer!

Register now for Training Classes 2025

FRC is hosting weekly indoor training classes starting March 23, 2025.   

These classes are set up for retrievers utilizing an indoor horse barn. Whether hunting companion or AKC competitions are your goals, we can help you get your dog off to the right start. New and experienced trainers are invited. See the Training Classes page for more information, online registration, or downloadable forms.

Classes will move outdoor as weather permits. The graduation event is a picnic test / trial that will allow you and your dog to show what you learned so far. The picnic test / trial is also open to any others who want to practice in a competition setting.

If you have any questions, please contact Karen Wilson, Secretary, at 907-750-4465 or farnorthcbrs@gmail.com.

Be on the lookout for 2025 Activities

In 2025 FRC plans to offer winter training classes starting in March, a picnic test the week before Memorial Day to practice, hunt tests, field trials, and training groups. Check out the Calendar of Events to learn of dates, times, and locations for our upcoming events and those of our Alaska retriever clubs.

Have a retriever or other hunting breed and want to get connected?

Check out what FRC has to offer!

October 1 is a New Membership Year!

The member year is October 1 through September 30. Renew now for 2025!

Renew now >>

© 2020
Fairbanks Retriever Club, Inc.

quote"We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made."
Alaska Feed
5% discount on dog related
items for FRC members!